Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Wild Times: Strategy Defense 3, Mumbles and Happy Tree Friends!

This is probably going to be one of the most bizarre matches: an awesome through-the-ages RTS game, a great defense game... and a guy who completely boofs several drives through some fast-food places. And for bonus material we have a Happy Tree Friends episode, "Ski Patrol".

Strategy Defense 3 is one of a new breed of real-time defense games where your units evolve every few seconds. This one's pretty innovative since you get a different special attack every minute or so.

Stormwinds is amazing too. This is actually an upgrade and there is a ton of flexibility. I passed on it the last time, but I am very seriously tempted to sign up for the extra content!

If you've ever worked as a drive-through person, Mumbles proves it: people do it on purpose.

And as for Happy Tree Friends... I love humor when it's presented in a corny PSA. That sweet blend of "I'm so righteous AND hygienic" narration and wanton gore just strikes a happy chord. :)


Humblubbuh chockie!

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