Friday, August 17, 2007

New Twist On Old Games Day -- & Oh Man!

I'll have the rest posted later tonight, but check out this game. If you've ever played a defense game from Newgrounds, this will prove quite different. Like original defense games, you have a development budget. But this time, instead of getting money for destroying units, you get money every few seconds while you're sending a unit or units on their chosen paths. Send a vehicle past all the units and you score toward your required goal (number of units sent through successfully) and some extra cash. Put extra cash toward upgraded units. Simple? No. Try it out yourself!

And... Asteroids Revenge III... Keep humans from blowing up all the asteroids!

I added that last link this morning... but I forgot it was Saturday. For your distractionary pleasure I am also offering this Tetris video... but I doubt it's like any you've seen. :D

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