Monday, September 3, 2007

I hope you're not working... but if you must... Brett, Sean, Floyd and Serling

Labor Day. A day to celebrate Labor, the mighty set of gears that turns the nation's economy.

So stop turning already! :D Take a few minutes. After all, they've made a holiday up for you. Take a few minutes and enjoy it on the same day, could you? Your boss probably doesn't want to be here either. And if you are the boss... more power to you. :D

Here is some Brett Dennen music he did live with Sean Hayes. I got a shock when I saw what he looked like after hearing his voice on "Desert Sunrise". This is one majorly talented kid -- he opened for John Mayer (I think it should have been the other way around):

And here is a little parable from the 1950s, remixed in the 2000s with 1970s wisdom:

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