Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Still on a tight schedule, but try these out...
A very Zen game. Take your time, use the mouse from the P menu, and give it a try. Pretty relaxing. Rock-Paper-Scissors... Monkey-Nuke-Dynamite-Sponge-Woman-Devil... :D This is an old favorite.

And here are three videos. This is Brett Dennen jamming live, and The Hauntening, and a surprise. Gotta go but enjoy. :D

This is my buddy Lothar Patten. He overcame homelessness to make a documetary featuring Ted Kennedy, Ted Danson, James Carville, Wesley Clark, Carol Moseley-Braun, John Kerry, Joe Lieberman, and Howard Dean (George Bush's security detail turned him down as a security threat, but judge for yourself). If you know anyone who can help Lothar go national, he's looking for some help!

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